Silvia Camporesi

Silvia Camporesi transforms reality into dreamlike tales through a creative process that leads her to confront and dialogue with suggestions from painting, cinema, myth and literature. In L’Iniziato (The Initiate) (2005) from the series Indizi Terrestri (Terrestrial Clues), Camporesi mimes the figure of Lucius, the protagonist of Apuleius’ Metamorphoses, transformed into a donkey by the sorceress Photides who makes a mistake with the jar of magic ointment. Remedy to the wrong metamorphosis is to eat crowns of roses.

Silvia Camporesi transforms reality into dreamlike tales through a creative process that leads her to confront and dialogue with suggestions from painting, cinema, myth and literature. In The Skywalker, from the third part of Esercizi per il ritorno (Exercises for the come-back) of the series Indizi Terrestri (Terrestrial Clues), Camporesi proposes herself (the photograph is also a self-portrait) as the traveler who completes her ascesis and crosses mysteries and knowledge to arrive at the elevation of thought and the overcoming of her own limits.

Silvia Camporesi transforms reality into dreamlike tales through a creative process that leads her to confront and dialogue with suggestions from painting, cinema, myth and literature. L’isola dei morti, il cimitero di San Michele (The island of the dead, the cemetery of San Michele) is part of the series La Terza Venezia (The Third Venice). Camporesi merges the images of real Venice with those made in Rimini, in miniature Venice, on a scale of 1:10 and gives us a third Venice, the visionary result of her imagination and fantasy.

SILVIA CAMPORESI is a video-artist who transforms reality into dreamlike tales through a creative process that leads her into contact and dialogue with suggestions from painting, cinema, mythology and literature. She transforms places and physical landscapes into atmospheres and spaces of artistic and anthropological reflection, exploring each story with a different style. Her projects include: Journey to Armenia (2012) inspired by the travels in Armenia of the Russian writer Osip Mandel’stam; Qualche volta, di notte. Omaggio ad Antonioni (2012), on the allusive narrative style of famous film director Michelangelo Antonioni; Le città del pensiero. Un’indagine metafisica (2016), a work that unites real and ideal photo documentation, taking inspiration from the buildings painted by Giorgio de Chirico; La Terza Venezia (2011), Atlas Italiae (2015), on decline and change in uninhabited towns and abandoned environments and industrial archeologies. *She was born in 1973 in Forlì, where she lives and works