Irene Fenara

Ho preso le distanze (I have measured the distances) is an installation of 33 Polaroids portraying family members, friends and acquaintances of Irene Fenara, each one posed at a distance corresponding to their relationship with the artist. Each polaroid includes the measurements in centimetres of the distance separating the subject from the photographer and is a reflection on the reality that surrounds us. Photography is transformed into an instrument for measuring interpersonal ties in which the physical space reflects the emotional one, offering a synthesis of the artist’s complex relational universe.

IRENE FENARA creates video works and images “with one eye on technology and the other on the sky”. She skilfully uses different media of expression, from Polaroids to the most advanced technology of computer systems and surveillance cameras, to artist’s book. Stills and videos are tools for exploring the concept of time and memory, and the relationship with space and the capacity for vision. She creates full-room installations that disorient the viewer, altering the perception of the exhibition space. *She was born in Bologna in 1990, where she lives and works.