Claudia Petraroli

In La pregunta de sus ojos, a project resulting from a study of acheropoietic images, Claudia Petraroli uses technology to enter into the gaze of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Working on the enlargement of the pupils through 3D software, she recreates the image imprinted in the eyes of the icon, a landscape, according to legend, that takes in this case the form of two technological sculptures. Two colour photographic prints complete the installation made of relics, which occupy the space to give visibility to the miracle.

CLAUDIA PETRAROLI began her artistic exploration in 2014 after having studied photography at the Brera Academy in Milan. Her photographic series arise from a conceptual investigation of the image, which draws inspiration from archival materials and alters them using contemporary technology. In her digital re-workings and multimedia installations, the artist creates timeless dimensions where past and future coexist. *She was born in Teramo in 1987, and lives and works in Abruzzo.