Author / Sara Allevi

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    Mulheres e trabalho em Itália desde 1950

    The exhibition, produced by the Italian Embassy in Lisbon in partnership with Galerias Municipais and Festas de Lisboa – EGEAC, investigates the way in which photography by women photography by women has confronted the world of work in contemporary Italy.


    Donata Pizzi presented her photographic collection with a focus on female photographers.

  • Presentation of the book of photographs by Lina Pallotta “Porpora”

    Presentation of the book of photographs by Lina Pallotta “Porpora” (Edizioni Nero)

  • Bauer – MILANO

    Donata Pizzi presented her photographic collection with a focus on female photographers in a talk with the students.

  • NABA – Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti ROMA

    Donata Pizzi presented her photographic collection with a focus on female photographers in a talk with the students.

  • Donata Pizzi: la fotografia al femminile

    Giornale dell’Arte
    La più importante collezionista di fotografia italiana femminile racconta come si è evoluta la sua raccolta dagli anni ’60 ad oggi.

  • Paris Photo: impossibile vedere tutto

    Giornale dell’Arte
    Il racconto della grande fiera parigina con l’occhio e l’esperienza di una collezionista e fotografa. L’esigua rappresentanza italiana non corrisponde all’importanza e più recentemente alla vivacità della nostra fotografia.

  • RE-ENACTMENT Quaderni Collezione Donata Pizzi

    The first issue of the Quaderni series of the Donata Pizzi Collection is in collaboration with FOTODOK of Utrecht and investigates the practice of re-enactment.

  • Bucharest Photofest – Empowering the Female Gaze

    The online conversation between Donata Pizzi, Steve Bisson and Alessandra Capodacqua will address two themes: how Collezione Donata Pizzi was created and the idea behind the publication Quaderni, published by Penisola Edizioni.

  • Giochi di verità. Rappresentazione, ritratto, documento

    Spotlight on photography and Italian women photographers at Castello Campori with the exhibition Giochi di verità. Rappresentazione, ritratto, documento (Games of Truth. Representation, Portrait, Document) curated by Marcella Manni with works from Collezione Donata Pizzi. The exhibition, conceived and created for the Castello’s premises, includes more than 80 photographs featuring the works by Paola Agosti, Tomaso Binga, Lisetta Carmi, Silvia Camporesi, Libera Mazzoleni, Marinella Senatore, Silvia Rosi, Elisabetta Catalano, Liliana Barchiesi, Betty Bee, Luisa Lambri, and Ottonella Mocellin, among others. Along a time span of more than fifty years (from 1965 to the present), the exhibition traces significant moments in Italian photography by highlighting the conceptual, aesthetic and technological evolutions that have developed in recent decades.